This is where the second to none customer service begins with our 24/7 support.
How to open a ticket at Vocalys?
Please always send us an email and based on emergency level, call us after.
Make sure to include your level of urgency in the subject line of the email, otherwise your request may not be processed properly.
What happens next?
Please note that a ticket is automatically opened when you leave a message on our support department voicemail box.
An email acknowledging receipt of the message will be returned by VOCALYS stating that the message has been received and that it is handled by the technical team. book.
Technical Support Level
Normal (up to 48 hours response time)
Any routine request for a problem that does not jeopardize the operations of the company and that does not result in loss of income or productivity.
Please send us an email detailing your situation
Urgent (up to 4 hours response time)
Any request regarding an issue that could compromise productivity or business operations, whether it affects one or more employees. It could simply be a technical problem preventing you from doing an important task in your operations.
Please send us an email detailing your situation and call us after.
(450) 433-2222, OPTION 1
Critical (up to 1 hour response time)
Any request regarding a problem that jeopardizes the operations of your business, which incurs loss of income and which requires the immediate intervention of our team. For example, it could be a downed server, a failing Internet connection, an out of service telephone system, or any other problem that compromises your business productivity.
Please send us an email detailing your situation and call us after.
(450) 433-2222, OPTION 1